Gurney, R. (2020) Emotional Intelligence Domains: Experiential stories from the Competencies Based Coaching System. ISBN 978-0-9949955-5-1

Gurney, R. (2020) Improving Emotional Climate and Performance in the Workplace and in University Studies. ISBN 978-0-9949955-6-8

Gurney, R. (2020) The Five Discoveries: How the steps of self-directed learning have been applied to the Competencies-Based Coaching System.

ISBN 978-0-9949955-7-5

Gurney, R. (2020) Peer Coaching Professional Skills College/University Students And Applications to Leadership Topics, Theories & Concepts.

ISBN 978-1-7775388-0-4

Gurney, R. (2020) Peer Coaching Case: Generation Y Coaches Baby Boomer in Technology (Excel Skills) And Applications to Leadership Theories & Concepts. ISBN  978-1-7775388-1-1

Gurney, R. (2020) How the C-BC System worked to promote positive emotions in students and employees. ISBN 978-0-9949955-8-2

Gurney, R. (2020) Emotional Intelligence Leadership Styles: Experiential stories from the Competencies-Based Coaching System.

ISBN 978-0-9949955-9-9

Gurney, R. (2017) Leadership/Peer Coaching: Applications to Emergency Services – Strathcona Fire Department. Navigating for Success Inc. Edmonton. Alberta. (Workbook)

Gurney, R. (2015) Leadership/Coaching: Applications to Workplace Safety. Navigating for Success Inc. Edmonton. Alberta. (Workbook)

Gurney, R. (2015) Peer Coaching Engagements: Forms & Reports. Navigating for Success Inc. Edmonton. Alberta. ISBN 978-0-9949955-0-6

Gurney, R., Benson, L. & Bilodeau, V. (2015) Peer Coaching University Students & Workplace Employees. Navigating for Success Inc. Edmonton. Alberta. ISBN 978-0-9949955-2-0

Gurney, R., Benson, L. & Bilodeau, V. (2015) Peer Coaching Professional Skills. Navigating for Success Inc. Edmonton. Alberta. ISBN 978-0-9949955-1-3

Gurney, R. (2015) Constructing Professional & Organisational Fields: Lessons learned from Australia Sports Medicine Federation. Navigating for Success Inc. Edmonton. Alberta. ISBN: 978-0-9949955-3-7